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After fifty years of Pride, what should we fight for next?

Stonewall staff

This year we’re celebrating 50 years of Pride in the UK. In this article, we’ll chart the major moments in LGBTQ+ history since the first Pride in 1972, and ask what still needs to change for LGBTQ+...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFamiliesHealth & social careLaw & crimeSocial exclusionWorkplace

Major LGBTQ+ organisations spark international review of the EHRC

Stonewall staff

All of us need our human rights protected and upheld. This is a fundamental value that rises above the politics of the day. That is why the United Nations has robust mechanisms in place...


A short history of the word ‘bisexuality’

Stonewall staff

People have been attracted to more than one gender throughout recorded history. But specific identity labels like bi and pan are relatively new. How did bi+ people in the past understand their...


Stonewall response to EHRC statements on upcoming LGBTQ+ legislation

Stonewall staff

Today’s statements from the EHRC are an attack on trans equality and undermine EHRC’s core purpose of regulating, promoting and upholding human rights. We believe the EHRC is no longer fit for...

NewsMedia Statements

Why we must speak up for LGBTQ+ sportspeople

Erin Williams

Our Sports Engagement Manager Erin Williams argues that we need to move past visibility and into real action if we want to create a sporting world where all LGBTQ+ people can thrive. Happening once a...

BlogCulture, media & sport

Positive: how a HIV diagnosis changed my life for the better

Jason O'Dwyer

This blog was first published on Jason's LinkedIn page, and is presented in its original form. One day in June 2006, whilst sat on a hard plastic chair in a consultation room in a sexual health...

BlogHealth & social care

Why do we need the Rainbow Laces campaign?

Stonewall staff

When we wear our rainbow laces, we commit to having honest conversations about the experiences of LGBTQ+ people in sport and fitness – but what are the key talking points we need to address? Sport...

NewsBlogCommunitiesCulture, media & sport

Needing ID could stop LGBTQ+ people voting

The world has changed considerably since the 2019 general election. The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened existing inequalities faced by marginalised communities; hate crimes based on sexual orientation...

NewsBlogCommunitiesLaw & crime

LGBTQ+ people do not need ‘fixing’

In the UK, it is still legal for LGBTQ+ people to be subjected to conversion therapy. Conversion practices attempt to suppress, ‘cure’, or change a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFaith & religionHealth & social careLaw & crime

7 things people on the ace spectrum need you to know

Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin

We asked 7 ace people what they wish allies knew about their identities – here’s what they told us. 1. You don’t have to experience zero sexual attraction to be a part of the ace community...



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