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Stonewall statement on Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) judicial review

We’re disappointed that the Court of Session in Scotland has found in favour of the UK Government’s unprecedented decision to use Section 35 to block...

Stonewall statement on the UK Government's failure to ban conversion therapy

The UK Government's failure to deliver a ban on conversion practices after five years of promises is an act of frightful negligence - in doing so, it...

24 Celebrities Demand Immediate Action on Conversion Therapy from PM.

2nd November 2023 – Stonewall, the largest LGBTQ+ organisation in Europe, with the support of celebrities from across music, film and fashion call...

New research: shining a light on ‘dehumanising’ discrimination faced by ace people

Stonewall staff

A new report, Ace in the UK , by Stonewall and activist Yasmin Benoit uncovers for the first time the shocking experiences of healthcare, workplace and societal discrimination that ace people face in...

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Catherine Dixon Appointed Stonewall Chair

Stonewall’s Board of Trustees have unanimously elected Catherine (Cat) Dixon as Chair. This follows Iain Anderson’s appointment by the Shadow...

New data: Rise in hate crime against LGBTQ+ people continues, Stonewall slams UK Gov ‘inaction’

New hate crime statistics released today by the ONS reveal that England and Wales continues to become a less safe place for lesbian, gay, bi and...

246 Human Rights Organisations Urge PM: Respect the Lives of LGBTQ+ and Women Migrants

4th October 2023 – Europe's largest LGBTQ+ right charity Stonewall has been joined by 245 other organisations across the human rights, refugee, LGBTQ...

LGBTQ+ Organisations to intervene on the UK Government's Block on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in Scotland

18th August 2023, London – Europe's largest LGBTQ+ right charity Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence and the Institute for Constitutional and Democratic...

Stonewall statement on Labour's Gender Recognition Act reform proposals

As Labour’s Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary writes about what the Labour Party means by modernising the legal gender recognition process , it’s...

Stonewall affirms trans equality policy positions

On 20 July, Stonewall Chair, Iain Anderson, was interviewed by Beth Rigby on Sky News. The interview was supposed to be an opportunity to talk about...


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