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Stonewall Scotland School Report Scotland (2017)

School Report Scotland (2017)

Stonewall Scotland research School Report Scotland shows that despite progress, anti-LGBT bullying and language continues to be an issue Half of all...

Bi Visibility Day poster thumbnail

Bi Visibility Day posters

Display these posters around your school and celebrate Bi Visibility Day by spotlighting bi role models. Even within the LGBT community, bi people...

The School Report 2017 cover thumbnail

School Report (2017)

Stonewall School Report 2017 shows anti-LGBT bullying and language has decreased across Britain’s schools since 2012 But almost half of all LGBT...

Trans person for trans day of visibility

Trans Day of Visibility posters

Display these posters around your school and celebrate Trans Day of Visibility by spotlighting trans role models. You know life can be hard for your...

Stonewall Cymru Different Families Poster

Poster emphasising that there are many types of different families, all capable of the same love and relationships.

Stonewall Cymru Family = Love Poster

Poster celebrating all permutations of family, aimed at primary school children.

LGBT History Month Posters: LGBT people of faith

Celebrate LGBT people of faith this LGBT History Month with our poster pack. Young people need to see that LGBT people exist and thrive in all walks...

Different Families, Same Love poster

Use this poster to show that in your school, being different is something to celebrate. Our Different Families, Same Love poster celebrates LGBT...

The Teachers' Report (2014)

A first-hand look at the experiences of teachers tackling homophobic bullying at school. Teachers are one of our most powerful tools in the fight for...


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