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Front cover of Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online

In the age of the smartphone, today’s teens are always online. But at what risk? For LGBTQ+ young people, the internet is a place to make friends and...

Photo of a boy in a pink hoody

FREE - The Film

Explore FREE, our film about it means to be yourself, with this resource pack. In FREE, young people ask what it means to be yourself. Exploring...

A civil engineer working at her computer

International Women's Day - activities for Primary Schools

We’ve designed these lessons for use on International Women's Day or throughout Women's History Month. Use them to open up discussions around gender...

Soofiya Andry

LGBT History Month - activities for secondary schools and colleges

We’ve designed these English Lessons for use during LGBT History Month. Choose the activities that best suit the needs and abilities of your class as...

Dean Atta

LGBT History Month- activities for primary schools

We’ve designed these English Lessons for use during LGBT History Month. Choose the activities that best suit the needs and abilities of your class as...

Jackie Kay

LGBT History Month - English lesson ideas for SEND/ASN/ASL schools and colleges

We’ve designed these English Lessons for use during LGBT History Month. Choose the activities that best suit the needs and abilities of your class as...

Two young trans people

Creating a trans inclusive setting - video resources

Hear from trans children and young people, their parents and teachers to inform your setting's approach to trans inclusion. To learn more about...

School pupils in an assembly

Useful resources for schools on working with parents

Parents and carers are central to your school community. With the new Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) guidance coming into effect from...

Woman standing in front of a class

Useful resources for schools, colleges and settings working with faith values

At Stonewall, we get asked about whether LGBT inclusion is possible in faith and church schools. We work with hundreds of faith and church schools on...

UK Disability History Month - poster pack for SEND/ASN schools and colleges

Celebrating disabled LGBT role models. This UK Disability History Month, help your school or college celebrate visible disabled LGBT role models...


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