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Six ways to be an ally to asexual people

How much do you know about asexuality, and how can you be a good ally to asexual people? What is asexuality? Asexuality is a spectrum. Here are a few terms to know: Somebody who is asexual does not...


5 fights for trans equality that you should know about

Stonewall staff

This Trans Visibility Day we’re shining a light on five fights for trans equality. In this article you will hear from trans individuals and organisations about their experiences, their resistance to...


New research: gender diverse people severely harmed by conversion therapy

Stonewall staff

Content warning: conversion therapy. New research, overseen by an independent research monitor, has revealed that gender diverse people – normally children or young adults - are severely harmed by so...

NewsBlogCommunitiesHealth & social careLaw & crimeSocial exclusion

I want LGBTQ+ young people to feel safe being who they are.

Koda Sparkes

Koda Sparkes (he/him) is a young, working class LGBT+ person speaking up about bullying in schools. He spoke to us about how important it is that young LGBTQ+ people are informed and supported...

NewsBlogCommunitiesEducation & youth

Who I am is unacceptable to some people in the healthcare system

This Bi Health Month we spoke with Hafsa (she/her) about her experiences in healthcare and heard about why bi inclusion is crucial for bi people’s wellbeing. This article talks about biphobia, and...

NewsBlogCommunitiesHealth & social care

Stonewall statement: the need for government action on LGBT+ rights

Nancy Kelley, CEO at Stonewall (she/her) said: ‘It is upsetting and concerning that Jayne Ozanne, James Morton and Ellen Murray all felt they had to...

Stonewall statement on the 2021 Census

Nancy Kelley, Chief Executive, Stonewall (she/her) said: ‘The 2021 Census will be a historic moment for LGBT+ communities. For the first time, the...

This LGBT+ History Month, let’s champion inclusive education for all

Stonewall staff

This LGBT+ History Month our focus will be on LGBT+ education. For us, this takes us back to our roots – Stonewall was formally launched one year to the day after Section 28 was made law in 1988...

NewsBlogCommunitiesEducation & youth

It felt like I couldn't go anywhere to get help

Stonewall staff

This is a time of loss and loneliness for many people, and for the LGBT+ community, the coronavirus pandemic continues to be just one of many threats. Inequalities that already existed have ramped up...

BlogCommunitiesHealth & social care

The clinic's services were not considered essential

Stonewall staff

Photo credit: Ali Kapenek This is a time of loss and loneliness for many people, and for the LGBT+ community, the Coronavirus pandemic continues to be just one of many threats. Inequalities that...

BlogCommunitiesHealth & social care


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